uPVC Windows, Double Glazing & Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors in Epsom | Current Trends

As with any design-based industry, trends for home improvement change over the years. While it’s nice to install a currently popular design feature such as aluminium bi-fold doors, it’s always worth considering timeless products like uPVC windows with double glazing. In order to try and stay ahead of the trends, while offering cost-effectiveness as wise property investments, we have taken a look at some of the current ideas influencing home improvement choices in the Epsom area. Whether you need inspiration for a front door, back door or glazing options, Pro Fit Window Systems Ltd covers every angle.

In our position as a double glazing, windows and doors company with more than a century of experience, we have outlined below four core products that offer style and value for any Epsom area home.

1. Double Glazing & uPVC Windows

When a product offers equal amounts of great design and impressive functionality, it never goes out fashion. With a feature as ubiquitous as uPVC windows with double glazing, it’s inevitable that some people might look for a more unique style. While the familiar white plastic frames perform to optimal levels, some homeowners want an option that reflects the character and charm of their property, or even the chance to add some colourful self-expression.

One particular trend gaining traction is that of uPVC windows with woodgrain effects and colouring. In fact, such is their accuracy in mimicking real wood, you may already have seen some in nearby Epsom neighbourhoods without realising. From traditional looks to more contemporary designs, these uPVC windows come in an array of options, ensuring that the needs of every property owner can be met.

In fact, the colour doesn’t even need to have a wood effect, with an even wider range of choice available in standard finish uPVC frames. When combined with double glazing, these uPVC windows offer a complete package of durability, style and energy efficiency.

2. Composite Front Doors

With a customisable outer layer, a composite front door offers almost limitless potential for design. When it comes to self-expression, it’s all a matter of taste; in regard to trends, however, certain colour palettes hold more sway than others.

According to both Ideal Home and PPG, furniture and front doors in dark shades and black tones constitutes a popular choice for the year ahead. However, 99Designs has backed ‘modern pastel palettes’ such as those found in ice cream parlours as their hues of choice.

If neither of those suggestions appeals for your Epsom property, traditional bold colours of red, blue and green offer a timeless quality. Regardless of the choice, the trends for additional touches like handles, letter boxes and door knockers recommend metallic touches of gold and chrome.

3. Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors

As part of a wider trend for slimline aluminium windows, bi-fold doors have rapidly become a must-have addition for those undertaking property development or new build projects. With slim frames and clean lines, aluminium bi-fold doors deliver a contemporary touch that blends seamlessly with properties of any age.

Despite their slim nature, aluminium frames have notable strength and durability. This allows them to support large panes of double glazing and triple glazing, thus maximising the potential for natural light and sightlines.

Although aluminium bi-fold doors hold huge popularity now, their transformative effect and undoubted functionality will make them a mainstay in the Epsom area and beyond. The metal has a high resistance to corrosion and fading and doesn’t require any kind of treatment by way of maintenance. Low U-values and thermal break technology make bi-fold doors incredibly energy efficient during winter too.

Call 0208 288 8893 for more information on our products in the Epsom area. From a new front door to uPVC windows, and from double glazing to aluminium bi-fold doors, we do it all.